Today, November 20, we honour Trans Day of Remembrance

At the Stonewall Inn Riots in 1969, it was transgender women of colour, who through their courage and defiance, their pain and frustrations, driven by the resolve to live in a world where the rights of all members of the LGBTQ community were respected, threw the bricks that ignited the Gay Liberation Movement. Yet 50 years after the Stonewall Inn Riots, we are reminded everyday that transgender people have been locked out of the house we built.

Now more than ever, there is a greater urgency to do more as a community to honour those who came before us, those who made the greatest sacrifice- with their lives. Now more than ever, we must raise our awareness to the plight of transgender people, and to be mindful of transgender rights. Only by doing so, will we expand the consciousness of humanity, our survival depends on it.

Biko Beauttah
President of Trans Workforce